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AASLE2024 hosted by Chulalongkorn University was a very successful event. Presenters of AASLE2024 can now submit their papers for consideration at the Special Issue of Labour Economics.


AASLE is an umbrella for research and communication of scholars from Asia and Australasia, and facilitates interaction with other parts of the world, through the sister organizations in Europe and the US, EALE and SOLE and other initiatives. The annual AASLE conference is set to be a gathering that will support these efforts, as well as encourage discussion and exchange around research, policies and applications in labour economics.

AASLE started as an idea when Christian Dustmann, Bob Gregory, and Xin Meng discussed labour economics in Asia and Australasia, and how much potential there is in the region. The idea became a reality with the first AASLE conference in Canberra in December 2017. The conference was a huge success, with more than 400 people attending. AASLE was legally established in Singapore and held successful meetings in Seoul (2018, organized by Jungmin Lee) and Singapore (2019, organized by Jessica Pan). In 2020 AASLE joined the World Conference on Labour Economics in Berlin for the first time, establishing the society as the third labour economics society, following SOLE and EALE, to represent the Asian and Australasian regions.

What AASLE can be for our community depends on what we make of it. We therefore encourage everyone interested in applied and labour economics to join our society and to help continue its success by participating in our conferences and working with us on new initiatives.


AASLE 2024 hosted by Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok on 12-14 December 2024 was a very successful event! We have now uploaded pictures on the gallery on our website!

The Special Conference Issue for AASLE2024, will be edited by Hyejin Ku and Jie Gong. Presenters of AASLE2024 can now submit their papers to it.



AASLE 2024 Bangkok Conference

AASLE 2024 hosted by Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok on 12-14 December 2024 was our biggest event so far! It was a very successful event and we all enjoyed meeting each other again as well as new colleagues, in the wonderful Bangkok environment! If you presented on AASLE2024 you will soon receive instructions on how to submit your paper for a Special Conference Issue of Labour Economics.


AASLE 2023 Taipei Conference

AASLE 2023 hosted by the National Taiwan University in Taipei on 7-9 December 2023 was our first fully in person event since the pandemic! It was a very successful event and we all enjoyed meeting each other again! If you presented on AASLE2023 you can now submit your paper for a Special Conference Issue of Labour Economics.


AASLE 2022 Tokyo Conference

AASLE 2022 hosted by University of Tokyo in Japan on 8-10 December 2022 was our first hybrid event! It was a very successful event and we all enjoyed meeting each other again! The AASLE2022 Special Issue of Labour Economics has now been published!


AASLE 2021 Beijing Conference

AASLE 2021 hosted by PKU in Beijing, China on 9-11 December 2021 was a very successful

event! You can now watch the keynote and invited talks on our youtube channel! Click below to visit the conference website for more details.


AASLE 2020 Job Market Event and COVID19 and Higher Education Panel

AASLE organised a standalone Job Market event on 10-11 December 2020. A panel on COVID19 and Higher Education was also organised alongside and has been recorded for all to watch! For more information please click the button below.


2020 EALE SOLE AASLE World Conference

This world conference in labour economics was jointly organised by the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE), the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) and AASLE. Click below for more details on the conference. Our heartfelt gratitude to the Asian Development Bank for the continued support for the World Conference.


2019 Singapore Conference

The third AASLE conference was held at National University of Singapore. Click below to visit the conference website for more details. The first Special Conference Issue of Labour Economics for AASLE with papers from the AASLE 2019 Conference was published in December 2020.


We are accepting proposals to host the annual AASLE conference for 2026 onwards. For the past years, we have successfully gathered academic researchers, policymakers and practitioners in the private industry from all over the world to discuss issues pertaining to the labour market and share research, methodologies and applications in the field of applied economics.


If you are interested in hosting the conference in your institute or city, please download the form from the link below and follow the instructions attached to it.



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